viernes, 19 de mayo de 2023

What natural setting in Colombia is a must-see?


What natural setting in Colombia is a must-see?

Hello, readers, today I bring you a recommendation of a place that you should visit, you will love it 馃槈

The Guajira

Cabo de la Vela
It is one of the most pleasant tourist places in Colombia. It is the destination where the desert and the sea are integrated

Location : 
Cabo de la Vela, located on the peninsula of La Guajira

You can visit the sugar pylon.
You can buy Wayuu artisan bags.
You can kite-surf.
You can watch the sunset at the lighthouse.
Swimming at the sugar pylon beach

The pilon de azucar can be too slippery and rocky.
You can't go too far from the seashore it can be very dangerous

Mosque of omar ibn al-khattab
It is one of the largest mosques in Latin America

Location : 
The Mosque of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab is in Maicao, La Guajira

You can go inside and ask for a tour to see its beautiful architecture and history
It is the place where Muslims go to pray.

You can't enter without covering your head
They are too strict with clothing, you have to follow the rules

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2023

Third Conditional

Third Conditional

Hi guys, did you miss me?

Today I brought you examples of sentences using the third conditional for past situations, I hope you like it...

  • If I had woken up early I wouldn't have been late for class.
  • If I had studied since last week I would not have lost the evaluation
  • If my sister had taken me in the car I would not have been late
  • If I had chosen another profession I would not be very sleepy
  • If I hadn't been sick during my trip to France, I would have seen many interesting places.
  • If the firefighters hadn’t arrived so quickly, the building would have burned down.
  • If I had enough money I would have bought my first car.

domingo, 30 de abril de 2023


An abortion is the premature termination of a pregnancy, before the fetus can survive outside the womb. Abortion can occur spontaneously (natural abortion) or induced.

                                                           Opinion in favor


Abortion is a method of great help for those women who have been raped and who do not have enough money to support a child because the woman has the right to decide about her maternity and her body.
It is also a way to prevent the consequences of underage pregnancies, which have effects on the physical and mental health of girls and adolescents.

Opinion against

Abortion should be prohibited because the embryo or fetus is a human life and has the right to be born.
In addition, induced abortion can have effects on the mental health of the woman, such as depression, anxiety or psychological trauma.
Most women know about birth control and should use it if they are sexually active to avoid getting pregnant if they don't want to.

Dead penalty

The death penalty, capital punishment or execution consists of causing the death of a person convicted by the State, as punishment for committing a crime established in the legislation.

Opinion in favor

The death penalty is an effective method for those people who have committed inhumane crimes such as killing children, rape and massacres, because these people will not change their way of thinking and if they leave prison or escape they will continue to do harm.
They also generate economic expense.

                                                            Opinion against

The death penalty is a method that should NOT be used because we all have the right to life, we have the right to change our way of thinking and acting.
In addition, many times these people have a mental illness without medication and were fully aware of what they were doing

mi茅rcoles, 15 de marzo de 2023

My favorite celebration


Hello readers, I wanted to tell you that my favorite month is December because it is Christmas. By the way, what is your favorite holiday?
I love Christmas because I am with my family, we play, we travel, we give each other gifts, we eat deliciously, we laugh a lot, we distribute gifts to the children and we go to the novenas.
It is also a very beautiful and magical time for me.

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2023

Express regret about past actions

Hello readers, today I made a short story expressing regret for past actions, I will leave you the most used vocabulary and a video at the end, I hope you like it, see you soon.馃構


Last month Sofia went on a trip with her friends and she should have gone to university but she didn't go and they took two exams and she failed them. She could have postponed the trip but she preferred to go have fun with her friends and now she must talk to the teacher to help her because she shouldn't miss the course. Normally I would have postponed the trip because I would not have been happy on the trip and that is why as a friend I recommended it to Sofia but she had been very excited about that trip, now she does not stop crying and regrets what she did.


- Regrets or judgments: Should have+ past participle

- Possibility: May have/ might have + past participle

- Ability: Could have + past participle

- Certainty: Would havr+ past participle

- Conclusions: Must have + past participle


lunes, 13 de febrero de 2023

Express intentions or plans that changed

Hi guys, I hope you remember me, I'm Laura Pinto, I'm studying medicine and I'm learning English.
In this blog you will see interesting topics and activities to practice, I hope you like it.

Today I will leave you some very useful examples to create sentences of plans that we had and changed

These situations have happened to me and I wanted to share them with you, I will also leave you a video of how these prayers are made.

- I would have liked to study business administration because I would like to have my own company but I realized that I liked medicine better because I like to help people and understand all diseases.

- Last week I was going to go to carnivals but I didn't go because I was very tired.

- I wanted to go on a trip in January but I thought the vacations were longer and I couldn't go.

- I was going to study English for a year in another country but it was very expensive.

I hope the information serves you, see you soon readers 

s谩bado, 8 de octubre de 2022



Hello guys, today I bring you a very interesting topic and that many do not know but they use it a lot and they are embedded questions.

An embedded question is a type of question which is included within another question or sentence. It is different from other types of questions, as there must not be any auxiliary verb between the question word and the subject.

Sentences that include embedded question usually begins with common introductory phrases like:

  • ·       Could you tell me
  • ·       I’d like to know
  • ·       I’m not sure
  • ·       Do you know
  • ·       I wonder
  • ·       Would you mind
  • ·       Let’s ask


1. Direct Question: What work did he do best?

Embedded Question: I’d like to know what work he did best.

2. Direct Question: What is her name?

Embedded Question: I wonder what her name is.

I leave a link for you to practice


What natural setting in Colombia is a must-see?

  What natural setting in Colombia is a must-see? Hello, readers, today I bring you a recommendation of a place that you should visit, you w...